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SIFU HE / 何師父

In Chinese, Sifu has two characters. The first character means "teacher", the second means "father". In traditional Chinese culture, teachers can be seen as father figures and people who mentor and guide students. The other students in the class would be considered "brothers" or "sisters".

Sifu He discovered the Tse Qigong Centre when he was living in the UK, and dedicated himself to Wing Chun training. He was always as involved as he could be in his class, doing admin work, organizing practice sessions for his class brothers and sisters, and helping them during training whenever the need arose. He is very focused and passionate about the arts, and loves balancing his life between being both a concert cellist, and an educator in both music and martial arts.

Sifu He is a senior student of Master Darryl Moy, the Chief Instructor of Tse Qigong Centre. Being a loyal student, he maintains a close relationship with his teacher and class, regularly visiting even though they are based in UK.

Sifu He has travelled to Foshan, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong with the Tse Qigong Centre, meeting Grandmaster Ip Chun and practicing with different classes and students there. He has also given a Wing Chun demonstration in London as the 'Kung Fu Cellist' at the 25th year anniversary of the Tse Qigong Centre, fighting off a group of 'thugs' with a cello in hand.

Through a rigorous yearly certification process, Sifu He is proudly an authorized Wing Chun Kung Fu instructor with the Tse Qigong Centre, and the Melbourne representative.

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